Dr. Marsteller Chapter 7


👈 Chapter 6



One of the editors of Science was an old friend of his from graduate school.  He called Dr. Marsteller up. 

-Sly, this blew my doors off.  I had to talk to you in person about it.

-We are very excited.

-Well, I’m just flabbergasted.  This is real?

-As real as you or me.


Publishing an article usually takes months, but they published it in the next issue two weeks later.

Over the course of those two weeks, Alexandria had no success with the experiments.  And when the article came out she was furious.  She confronted him in Dr. Marsteller’s office.

-You don’t understand Alexandria; it’s simple, we were going to lose our funding.

-That’s no reason to commit academic fraud!

-It doesn’t matter if the experiments work.

-They’re not going to work.  How many times do I have to tell you?  They will not work!  I’m going to go to the media.  I thought you had integrity.  The magnitude of this is incredible!

Well, the shit has hit the fan, thought Dr. Marsteller.

-You’re not going to the media.


-Do you want your PhD?

-You’re blackmailing me?

-Call it what you want, but you’ll never have a PhD if you go to the media or newspapers or whatever.  You can defend next month if you want.  Finish the unimaginative experiment you were working on and graduate next month.  But God help me if you say a word about this.

Alexandria looked at him in disbelief.

-You’re threatening me?  You’re the most disgusting man I’ve ever seen.  Don’t talk to me again!  I’m finishing my experiments in our other lab over in the chemistry building.  I’ll take my PhD and get out of here, but don’t say a word to me again.

-That’s fine.  I’ll even give you your own room.

She stomped out of the office and through a wall of photographers and out in the lawn.  Takes care of one problem, thought Dr. Marsteller.  Looks like I’ll have to do the experiment myself.  Should be interesting getting back in the lab again.

Then he put on a lab coat, even though he hadn’t worn one in years, looked in the mirror, running his hand through his wild white hair, experimented with which expression on his face seemed most dignified, wondered what hardwired evolutionary reason was behind that expression seeming dignified, and went out to meet the cameras.

👉 Chapter 8

This originally appeared in Dr. Marsteller