Dr. Marsteller Chapter 17


👈 Chapter 16



He nervously paced the living room while Nichola repeatedly asked what happened. 

       -Honey, stop bothering me, for god’s sake.  I’m trying to think.

       -I’m not going to stop bothering you.  Why did you leave Mrs. Viscane’s house so abruptly today? 

       Her red face seethed as she gestured apoplectically and vented all her anger towards him.  She’d hated such overt dishonesty or sequestering of secrets in their marriage.  And he simply paced back and forth, occasionally biting on his fingernails, completely disregarding her inquiries.  Dr. Marsteller didn’t care about her raving; he was more concerned about the surgery they were going to begin in a week. 

Then he thought of a red herring as she came near to hitting him until he caressed her and led her to the sofa.

       -Honey, she just wanted to go to my lab immediately to show her some of the latest things we’d done.

       -Well, you could have told me that at the party.

       -She wouldn’t allow it.  She is completely insane.

       -I see, she said.  Oh, I’m so sorry honey, I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure with the television appearances and the research coming out and now the accident.  I know you want everything to be right and you have her to worry about too. 

       She massaged his back and his shoulders.  He seemed so tough and strong.  He seemed like he did when they met, talking about all the wonderful ideas they imagined for themselves in the future.  They talked about their dreams.  Those memories were like ticklish haze.  Any anomaly to the beauty had lopped off through the years and was replaced with fine smoke.  And it was because she loved him.  And here the poor man was, finally realizing his amazing dreams and the stress is overwhelming him.  He needs the comfort of a good woman, thought his wife and pulled his head over to hers by the side of his cheek.  She kissed him deeply.  Dr. Marsteller’s tired eyes brightened and he smiled at the corners of his mouth like a tormented cat scratched on the belly.  She held him tighter and they traipsed back to the bedroom.  



👉 Chapter 18

This originally appeared in Dr. Marsteller