Dr. Marsteller Chapter 11


👈 Chapter 10



For the first time in 35 years Dr. Marsteller performed surgery on mice.  He first attempted to transfect different brain areas with the retrovirus – his anti-aging therapy.  He took five mice and brought them back into his office.  He kept gold-plated surgical instruments given to him upon his last promotion in his desk drawer.  They were for show, but he was too embarrassed to ask the graduate students if he could barrow theirs.  These experiments must be completely confidential, he reasoned.  He didn’t want anyone snooping around.  If he did everything in his office, he could lock the door and not be bothered.

He stole some ketamine anesthesia from the graduate office and injected the mouse.  After placing the mouse in a stereotaxic device, he made a midline incision in the skin on the top of the head and opened a small hole in the skull with a drill he took from home and performed the operation.  He recorded everything in his notebook and then he sewed up the incision and put the mouse back in his cage.  He would evaluate it on a weekly basis.  He knew he was going off protocol.  But the Animal Care and Use Committee could go to hell.  If rats, mice and pigeons were not covered under the Animal Welfare Act, why did researchers have to observe specific guidelines?  If some demonic kid could torture a mouse without repercussion, why do I have to be concerned for the mouse’s feelings?  He reasoned they wouldn’t do much to a distinguished professor like himself if they found out.  Why would they want to inhibit the most exciting research in the country? 

The following week at Alexandria’s defense, the other committee members commented on her nervousness and insisted she looked flustered and ill prepared.  Dr. Marsteller defended her, and although a couple members of the committee did not want her to pass, she was passed on Dr. Marsteller’s good word.  After all, this was the man who just made one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history.  After the defense, he made a couple phone calls to his colleagues at Yale and told them he had an exceptional graduate student and if they would like, he could recommend her to their labs as a prospective postdoctoral fellow.  His colleagues would have been interested before the recent media circus, but now they were incredibly excited.  They would have a post-doc in their lab from the great Dr. Marsteller.  This would definitely get Alexandria out of his hair.  My grad students may be wild animals, but if I keep them in a cage where I can watch them, they’re harmless.   In fact, maybe they are tame, they’re already in a cage, and all you have to do is let them eat out of your hand, he thought as he laughed.

He called her in his office to tell him the news.

-I’m not going.

-I don’t think you realize what it means to have a Yale post-doc, and do you really want to be around here with me, the man you claim is akin to Satan, he laughed. 

-I appreciate the effort, but if it’s just the same, I would like to cut all ties with you.  I don’t want any recommendations from you.  I was already accepted for a job at a corporate lab in Canada.  They were the only ones that accepted me without me naming who my PhD advisor was.  I’m taking the job; I start in a month.  It’s in St. John’s in Newfoundland.  That should get me as far away from this as possible.

-You’re a fool and an idiot but whatever pleases you pleases me.

Alexandria scoffed, repressed her tears, gathered her dignity, and then left the office in disgust.  It was too much for her to bear.

Dr. Marsteller wiped his hands like a blackjack dealer.  The mess was over and the only person with full knowledge of the experiments was off to Canada.  How great was that?  At Yale, she would have been in my pocket, but in Canada, she’s off the face of the earth.  What do I care if she wants to work for some company more evil than me?

It was time to check his mice and see how they were coming along.  He went into the office.  They didn’t look good.  They had all lost weight and were lying sickly in the corner of their cages.


Well, maybe they will regain health after the initial shock wears off.  Dr. Marsteller broke out in a sweat and sat down in the corner of the room.  Yes, they will go through a bit of stress from the operation before they regain health.

He went back to his office and decided to take off on his vacation before checking them again.  He went home to see his wife and son.




👉 Chapter 12

This originally appeared in Dr. Marsteller